Gemological info: Two Volcanic eruptions killed the sea life and they became trapped in the
sediment and formed mud balls, the ocean receded and the balls were left to dry and crack.
The ocean returned, depositing more shell life above them. As this decomposed, calcite from
shells was carried down into the cracks of the mud balls, calcite crystals formed. A thin wall of
calcite was transformed into aragonite dividing the bentonite clay (shale) exteriors from the
calcite centers. Because of this dividing wall (septum in Latin) the geodes are called Septarians.
Metaphysical Properties: Septarian started out as a mud ball; Each nodule has very unique
markings. Septarian greatly enhances your communication abilities, especially when speaking
to groups. The combination of crystals that is Septarian is very healing for our own bodies and
can be used to heal others. Septarian is very uplifting and helps you to get to know yourself
better spiritually.